Thursday 19 July 2007

Kids, Phones and Assholes!

God Dammit, FIVE WEEKS of not only no Net, but no Phone line. All because of a group of moronic teenagers breaking open a junction box and setting it on fire!

I mean, what the fuck? What is going on these days, why the hell do kids need to put thousands of people through weeks of stress and m-fin' shit? For a laugh? Shit, I'm only in my early twenties but we never thought to do stuff like that? Its just ridiculeace.

Then comes phone companies. I am so sick of companies that send their customer relations to places like India. Its fuckin pathetic, just to save some pennies...and they don't fuckin' understand you, don't get things done when you want them to and lie about facts given only hours before!


Well, with that out of the way, I think I might have found a good webhost to keep my webpages, hooray!

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Webhosts....are assholes

Well, what do you think I've been doing? Give you a clue, check the title.

I've finished issue one of TD and I've got a good website ready. I want a good web host
but I can't find a good one. They are either small MB limit or a small bandwidth. Or both.
Sometimes I really jsut think that I should go and---ah screw it!

Saturday 28 April 2007


Well, issue one of 'Tomorrow's Dawn' (coughplugcough) is almost ready for showing to the world. eeh...I'm scared. Well, anyway...with that nearly out of the way I'm gonna start work(initial sketch work and stuff) on issue two and basic story sorting. Got the go ahead from the great 'RMK' to use his oc's in my sub plot's for mine. Heh! But I got some major info from him so I need to work out a real strong storyline for at least two of 'em. Shit...I just thought...I have to come up with a story for Yamcha too. (sorry RMK, not gonna work parrellel with your ideas)
But other than that, I have aspariations for the future and that will come on the dev and sheezy site soon.

And really, not mcuh changed here, still tired...headache today, very wearing...but as people older than me would say I've gotta keep on truckin'. Info soon out on personal site...with TD finally near finishing I can upload the whole thing!!!! Hope ther company I've found are good.

And I learned something today. To anyone in the N W of the UK, should you have listened to the weatherman....NO!!!!!!!!!

Oh and, BOO-YAH! Chealsea got it handed to ;em today, oh yes!!!!!!

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Its hell working for yourself.

Recently I've been working on several projects to get posted on the net.
I've recently been building up a personal website.
I've been helping friends with their web ambisions.
And you know what, I am totally knackered with it all.

If you check my dev or Sheezy site, in the journals i mention something called Tomorrow's Dawn. Well that was started around...oh, october last year and me being a perfectionist I wanted it as good as possible, I've finally got the mono look for it and I say. 'Hay, this needs colour!' It's like saying 'well I've finished a 20 hr shift, lets go make some houses in my four hour rest!' (well, little exageration there) but it feels like it. While I was redesigning TD come up with an idea. 'Well, bugger me I think I'll start a project of designing 13 original characters, all of whom have different looks and styles to themselves, colour them and then do a wikid bg!' Yeah...sigh. Then there's these prints I keep promising to do, one of which I've just finished the skin tone for.

A friend of mine (won't say your name) has been trying to get a job recently and he's had no sucess. So I have been urging him to get a basic website. Start showing his work to the world, I fight him over several designs-start to make one-and then find a good community site. This is all the while trying to encourage him to better his skills.
So I find him the site, tell him its 'FREE' and leave. A week passes and all he has done is open an account. Nothing uploaded, nothing started with, at ALL. So I have to go through the process of showing him how to upload and add avatars and everything, he gets a comment on the first piece he uploads and he acts like its nothing. ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!

Then there's the idea of 'Hay, with all these things coming up, I can't clog up the community sites with 'all' of them, so I need a portfolio site, right. Here we go again.

AND(Yes, there's more) then there is the helping people part(different than friend thing, but in the same leauge). While I'm working on all of this (day in and day out) I have to get up every hour or so because someone in the family needs something and they won't do it themselves.
I'm just feeling drained all day, I don't think that i'm getting enough sleep. Jesus, I can't wait for June. Roll on the Holiday.

first and most actively updated site.
secondary updated site. Less active.

Its hell working for yourself.

Recently I've been working on several projects to get posted on the net.
I've recently been building up a personal website.
I've been helping friends with their web ambisions.
And you know what, I am totally knackered with it all.

If you check my dev or Sheezy site, in the journals i mention something called Tomorrow's Dawn. Well that was started around...oh, october last year and me being a perfectionist I wanted it as good as possible, I've finally got the mono look for it and I say. 'Hay, this needs colour!' It's like saying 'well I've finished a 20 hr shift, lets go make some houses in my four hour rest!' (well, little exageration there) but it feels like it. While I was redesigning TD come up with an idea. 'Well, bugger me I think I'll start a project of designing 13 original characters, all of whom have different looks and styles to themselves, colour them and then do a wikid bg!' Yeah...sigh. Then there's these prints I keep promising to do, one of which I've just finished the skin tone for.

A friend of mine (won't say your name) has been trying to get a job recently and he's had no sucess. So I have been urging him to get a basic website. Start showing his work to the world, I fight him over several designs-start to make one-and then find a good community site. This is all the while trying to encourage him to better his skills.
So I find him the site, tell him its 'FREE' and leave. A week passes and all he has done is open an account. Nothing uploaded, nothing started with, at ALL. So I have to go through the process of showing him how to upload and add avatars and everything, he gets a comment on the first piece he uploads and he acts like its nothing. ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!

Then there's the idea of 'Hay, with all these things coming up, I can't clog up the community sites with 'all' of them, so I need a portfolio site, right. Here we go again.

AND(Yes, there's more) then there is the helping people part(different than friend thing, but in the same leauge). While I'm working on all of this (day in and day out) I have to get up every hour or so because someone in the family needs something and they won't do it themselves.
I'm just feeling drained all day, I don't think that i'm getting enough sleep. Jesus, I can't wait for June. Roll on the Holiday.

first and most actively updated site.
secondary updated site. Less active.

Friday 20 April 2007

god damned no goood bleein horrible week!!!!!!!!

The week I've had, sometimes I wonder why I even start things
in the first place. I have been helping everyone out and for it, I've
gotten kiss my ass over and over. I've been screwed over and over
and to be perfectly honest, I'm sick of it. Whenever I do something
that is either good or productive I get 'What, oh thanks' and then,
'shit, can't you do anything!' I'm sick of it. Too many years of being a
'nice guy' has people in my life thinking that I'm not going to start
being an ass all the time, I swear that I've got a fuckin' tick from it
this week and that was a wakeup call, I'm not being the shlum to
anyone anymore. FUCK 'EM!

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Blasted pointy eared things of the wood

As a artist I am looking for webspace to show my stuff to others, I'd got a Dev Art Account, I got a Sheezy account and I'm trying to get on Elfwood. BUT!
the rules on the place are so bloomin' strict, I added a few tattoos to my 'application to be published' (YES application, I joined and I have to apply to be seen!) friends liked the design and asked me to put some things on them, words and meanings in a foreign lang (part of the rules, this is...hmm yes.) but because of some strange elfwood rule (beaming out to the www fgrom Sweaden!) everything that is not english must have an english translation of it. I have tried twice up to now and I am really losing patience with the mod on elfwood. I have a personal website in development and I found a good free webhost recently. Grr....I'm just getting a little bit annoyed with the strict rules system in the Elfwood community.